How I Can Help You


Social Media - a way to learn passively in your day to day on Youtube/Insta/Tiktok.

Free Community - The School of Insights. Start your journey to learning more about how to overcome tough emotions with mini courses.

Book - Start here to learn the basics and principles on how to transform your mind.


Course - Join a Live 12 week coaching program.

The School of Insights - Premium Version. A place you can join fellow truth seekers to find real answers to life’s deepest questions. Through joining live practices sessions and live group coaching related to self inquiry.


Retreats - we’ll work together 1-1 and in a group format where I can provide real in-depth guidance & answer your questions to create real change.

1-1 sessions - where we get serious and work weekly together, in person or online. Once you’re feel ready.



  • Overcome tough emotions

  • More clarity in all decisions

  • Try less and achieve more


  • Undiscovered Happiness

  • Heightened Awareness

  • Find lasting peace


  • Enjoy every moment more

  • Enter flow state instantly

  • Manifest without trying

What is unique about working with me?


This world is unfortunately full of con artists. Muscles can be seen, but most people can’t see the level of consciousness of a person, so they have to rely on what costumes they are wearing, how many followers they have, or how they portray themselves while on stage, while they can be completely different behind closed doors. But you can’t "see” consciousness levels, right? Wrong. This is where it is possible to develop an ability to see a teacher’s levels of compassion and consciousness and siddhis. I can help you get there.


I was born in London, I have a job, I have a family, I live like you. I understand your world. I teach practices that can be integrated into the modern, western world. I do this by being relatable, and showing you that it’s possible to overcome your tough emotions and have heightened awareness while living where you are, to have worldly, personal, and spiritual benefits, without having to be in a cave to have such achievements.

Coaching Technique

As an insight coach, I work through insights. This means a real, genuine understanding will arise from within you, through our conversations. I will provide a raw, honest approach with no bullshit. And help you cut through all your layers of unclarity and blockages through useful, deep, and impactful insights. My method is friendly and practical and I will do my best to provide a real blueprint on “how to get there”.

“How” can only be taught by someone who has actually done it. 

I’ve spent 6 years practicing various ancient mindfulness techniques that originate in the Himalayas that work practically in the real world, and I want to work with you to achieve a greater version of yourself by providing the how at each stage of the journey.

Practically this means: I want you to sit down, put in the work, self-reflect, contemplate, and work with me as we delve into deep aspects of your mind. This includes difficult reality checks sometimes. I will help you see things about yourself, you don’t want to see and learn to accept those parts of yourself. So you can be freed from your prison of judgments of what is right and what is wrong. By doing this, you will reach your full potential. Further than you thought was previously even possible.

Can you relate to this?

  • “I tried it but meditation doesn’t work for me” - you just need a teacher. Otherwise, that’s like saying “I dated someone and it didn’t go well so I don’t date anymore.”

  • “I can’t concentrate or focus” - this is not the point of meditation. So part of learning is to unlearn these widely adopted misconceptions.

  • “Meditation is about emptying your mind?” This is not the case. And doesn’t “exist” unless you’re a super high-level Zen master. 

Have you noticed?

“What is everyone seeking?” - Happiness
“When do we want something?” - When we don’t have it 

This is proof that we don’t feel we are happy and in search of it. Read these sentences again and contemplate.


It’s possible to change this by doing practices, that allow you to reach ‘heightened awareness’ and your full potential.


1-1 Work Process

Receive personalised
key instructions
on how to do
the practice

Do the practice
for 10 minutes daily

1 hr weekly
feedback calls &

for next week

Note: It can be online calls or in person. Practice doesn’t work well when you try it by yourself. Without a guide helping to iterate, provide feedback leading to kaizen you are left thinking it doesn’t work.